Friday, October 14, 2011

Coffee Fundamentals

Arabica Coffees:
Grown at high altitudes. Plants very susceptible to infestation and disease. Very aromatic with complex flavor profiles, must be harvested by hand. Low caffeine content.
Robusta Coffees:
Grown at low altitude, usually under 2000 ft. Healthy plants with minimal risk of insect infestation and disease. Very high caffeine content, usually harvested by mechanical means.
Body is the feeling of weight on the palate or the tactile impression. Is the coffee thin and watery or is it heavy, syrupy and thick? Does it coat my palate? These are the questions you will ask yourself.
Acidity is often misunderstood and commonly confused with bitterness. Acidity is often a positive adjective when used in describing coffee flavor. It should be bright and tangy which is associated with quality beans grown at higher elevations. Coffee lower in acidity have a mellow or soft quality. If coffee had no acidity it would be dull and lifeless.